The Tale of the Red Dog: Our Story
It all started at dinner. Michelle Hollemans was at an event in 2017 and during the midst of a passionate strata conversation, an idea sparked. Michelle was asked about her focus on regional WA, and the issues they faced. Simply, the person she was talking to wanted to know if she was interested in bringing something new to rural and regional strata in WA. This lead to Michelle and her husband having dinner and discussing this idea and see where they could take it. After many red wines and a handful of whiskies, the idea grew into a solid concept.
“We are not settling for a boring name” – insisted Michelle. Over dinner they proceeded to create a fun list of random words that didn’t remotely relate to strata management. Michelle had heard of a legend in the U.S where a real estate agency, using the top two web search word for his town, created a unique business name and as an example to illustrate, Michelle threw in the idea ‘Red” and “Dog”.
Before you knew it, they were trying to out ‘woof’ each other. Michelle’s husband ran away with the idea thinking it was the best thing since sliced bread. The next morning Michelle said, ‘let’s do it’ and that marked the birth of the loveable Red Dog. The business was immediately registered and in a matter of six months saw a portfolio growth from five to forty-two.
Red Dog Strata exists for rural and regional WA where Michelle and her team endeavour to provide a higher level of service to these areas and beyond.
Give us call today.


Meet Michelle Hollemans
Michelle Hollemans is a licensed real estate agent with 25 years’ experience in the real estate industry. Since 2015 Michelle has focused solely on Strata Management with other firms.
In 2017 Michelle decided a higher level of service was needed that real estate offices couldn’t provide and thus opened a dedicated strata management firm, Red Dog Strata.
Our point of difference is that we firmly believe a scheme can’t be managed without being viewed by a manager, more so for regional areas where factors such as the local environment, demographic & extreme weather events can play a significant part in understanding the needs of a strata property
which can’t be gleaned by checking it out on Google Maps.
That brings us to travel.
Traversing our large state is costly both in time and money. As a result, support for regional WA Strata Owners and access to qualified, experienced Strata Managers is sparse at best.
Recognising both of these issues and the rapid growth of strata in regional WA, Michelle has undertaken substantial investment to create Red Dog Strata as a viable, accessible, Strata Management option for Owners whom live in, or own strata outside the greater Perth/Mandurah area.

Do you need an experienced strata management company to protect your property asset? Contact us for a complimentary proposal.

Red Dog Strata
PO Box A158, Australind WA 6233
P 08 9785 6001
E info@reddogstrata.com.au

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